Rabbits Diet Guide

Group of Bunnies

Just like humans and other animals, Rabbits require a healthy and balanced diet. It is essential that they get the correct type of food as Rabbits have a very delicate digestive system. There are many different views when it comes to what you should feed your Rabbit(s) all over the internet but we say as long as your rabbit has a healthy balanced diet and you learn what your rabbit likes and can digest then that’s the most important view.

There are many foods that you rabbit cannot eat as they can be poisonous or can block up your rabbit’s digestive system please ensure you read our guide in full and any questions you may have then please ask your vet or ask on our forums for more information.

Rabbit Muesli or Pellets?

There are 2 main types of daily foods Muesli and Pellets. It is an owner’s preference as to which type of food you wish to use, both types have different benefits.


Rabbit muesli has a wide variety of different vitamins and nutrients whilst providing a range of textures from crunchy nuggets to seeds. Some rabbits may eat all the pieces of muesli that they prefer but can leave pieces that they do not like; this can cause them not to eat all of the goodness in their bowls. Ensuring your rabbit has fruit and vegetables in their diet will help them digest the missing nutrients and vitamins they need.


Rabbit Pellets are made up of hay and as you may be aware hay is an essential part of a rabbit’s diet. Hay helps to digest all foods your rabbit eats so having a bowl of hay pellets is a good choice. Some rabbits can get bored of pellets as there is no variety but giving them pieces of fruit and vegetables will help in the variety of foods. Generally pellets are the best due to the high amount of hay content found within them.

How much fruit and vegetables should I give my rabbit?

Rabbits should be given a generous amount vegetables a day and limit the amount of fruit as the natural sugars can cause dental issues. You must remember to monitor how much greens your rabbit does have as too many vegetables can give your rabbit an upset stomach. A good portion of fruit such as an apple is the size of a finger nail.

Green vegetables such as carrot and beetroot tops are fantastic as they are yummy and healthy. Rabbits also enjoy herbs such as Parsley and Basil, it is a great idea to give your rabbit the pot that the herb is in as they cannot resist pulling the stalks from the pots.

Are treats bad for my rabbit?

The most important thing to remember when giving treats is you should give them from time to time otherwise you will have a very unhealthy obese rabbit. Some rabbit treats that you purchase from shops have high sugar content in them and as rabbits don’t own a toothbrush this can cause tooth decay and problems which is fatal in most rabbits.

Why not save your rabbit’s favourite piece of fruit such as banana or raisins and use this as a natural treat.

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