Binkies – What are they?

A Binky (which can often be called – The Happy Bunny Dance) is the happiest expression your rabbit will ever show you, this is a rabbit literally saying ‘I am so happy’ or ‘I love you ’. Once you start to get to know the different binkies your rabbit displays, you will start to feel the happy and loving feeling with your rabbit too. If you have never seen a rabbit displaying a Binky before this may worry you into thinking your rabbit is having a mini seizure or being into a loopy mood.

A rabbit Binky consists of a rabbit jumping into mid-air whilst turning its head and the rest of its body in opposite directions, looking like a little flip. The binky can start off with standing still on the ground or they may display it whilst running around.

Another type of Binky is called the half Binky this consists of a rabbit just flicking its head or ears; this can be displayed when the rabbit is sitting or when running. It can be quite a sight if a rabbit has long ears.

A few YouTube videos of Rabbit’s doing some funky binkies!

Cute Baby Bunny Binkies

A Happy Bunny

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