Colour of Rabbit’s Urine

Rabbit Urine

Rabbits urine is a strange colour?
We have a lot of concerns from worried bun mums regarding their bunny has an unusual colour urine. It is very common that rabbits have different colour urine and not just one colour to a bunny but one bunny can have different colour urine throughout different stages of life. Rabbits urine can range from the usual pale yellow colour right through to bright and dark oranges and reds. You will be able to identify whether there is blood within the urine or whether your rabbit has red urine that particular day. You may find it helpful to blot the urine with some paper towel to look for any specs of blood if you cannot be sure.

Most coloured urine is caused by a porphyria-pigment and this can be caused by lots of different reasons but nothing to panic about. Medication (mostly antibiotics), vegetables that contain beta carotene and the weather (most common in the cold winter) are all factors.

Your rabbit’s urine should return back to its normal colour within a few days however if it stays the same then seeking veterinary advice would be your best option.

Please note:
  • You must be clear whether it is dyed urine or if it is bloody urine. Unspayed females are at a higher risk of ovarian cancer and spotting blood may be one of the first signs. Unneutered males can develop genital cancer or trauma and this can result to bleeding in their urine.
  • Monitor your rabbit whilst her urine is different. You need to look for any signs of her sitting trying to pass urine for a long time or only able to produce a very small amount. Smelly urine that is not normal to your bunny, signs of blood as stated above. Seek veterinary advise immediately.

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